Thursday, June 12, 2008


"Why make AG-Cos so exclusive?" - a question posed to Staci, and forwarded to me.
Because it is good, probably the best, with good cosplayers and great places and PDG photography. That's a fact. But we go totally private now to avoid the nuisance of crappers and pests.

Yes, we've moved the mainstream AG Outings over into a much more peaceful and comfortable place. No more morons and idiots to harass or shift my threads all over the place. No more nuisance goons to stalk me or my 3 co-organisers. We've already had a couple of outings without incident (or idiot PMs for that matter).

Some of the girls asked me why I stopped posting in the cafe, too. Honestly, that place is messy and childish. Just on occasion, check for PMs from a couple of friends in there, I don't even bother to read the threads anymore. Garion, Lanlong, Usagi and gang want to continue their nonsense, that's their loss.

Lastly, I have to congratulate the SYPA Archi Award winners for 2008. We are proud of you! That's 2 in a row! Aloysius, Abel, Timmy, G, Justin, Kenneth, Ren Hui, Bryan, Nora, Beng Chye, Zhiliang, that's what you all missed. Attitude and effort takes one a loooonnnng way, crap-snapping and whining won't get you anywhere. I'm glad to have dropped the lot of you, too.

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